The work of any club or organization is carried out by its committees.

Fine Arts Committee

Coordinator: Gladys Kong

The Fine Arts program is an unfunded requirement for the school, so it is also entirely a voluntary effort. This committee's primary focus is to provide in-class art instruction compliant with State Standards. They also run the Spotlight on the Arts Social, the Fine Arts Festival and Music for Minors II and coordinates with the teachers who may request PPTC funded theatrical or musical entertainment (like the "Banana Slug String Band").

The coordinator of this committee will work with the PPTC Board to scheduling, budgeting and expense approval. As always, the staff of the PPTC is available for help.

The Coordinator Guide can be downloaded in MS Word format or viewed online below. All of the guides share a common Forward.

Fine Arts Committee Description

The Fine Arts/Performing Arts Committee is responsible for working closely with the school administration to provide standard-based fine art, music, and performing art instruction to the student population on a regular basis. This committee is responsible for coordinating the annual Fine Art Festival and procuring the guest artists to conduct the art lessons to each grade. This committee is responsible for displaying samples of students' artwork at the CVUSD district office during the Spotlight on the Arts month.


This committee would ideally have at least 6 members including a teacher advisor. The committee is encouraged to recruit parent volunteer instructors from each grade to conduct the lessons and/or assist in the classroom during the lesson. Depending on the interests and talents of its various members, this committee could organize itself into subgroups, e.g., Visual Art, Music, Performance Art.

Time Commitment

Time commitment varies greatly. A goal would be to provide a lesson to each grade once a month or every other month, in which case four hours per month would be a reasonable estimate.


The duties of the Fine Arts/Performing Arts Committee include the following:
  • Comprise a calendar of scheduled art lessons for each grade based on the needs of the school administration
  • Recruit parent volunteer instructors for each grade to conduct the art lessons and procure outside instructors when necessary as the budget allows
  • Maintain a running inventory of art supplies and replenish as needed
  • Coordinate and oversee the annual Fine Art Festival
  • Display a sample of students. art work at the CVUSD district office when required
  • Participate in the budget process
  • Attend periodic VAPA (Visual Arts Performing Arts) meetings and training seminars
  • Submit a report at the PPTC meetings to keep the school community abreast of current activities


The coordinator(s) in conjunction with the committee members and school administration would determine an agenda of standard-based art lessons for the year. It is up to the discretion of the coordinator(s) as to how the duties would be carried out. A suggestion would be to organize members according to talents and interests and divide up the duties accordingly.


Calendar of scheduled art lessons for the student population to be determined by the committee and the school administration
  • Fine Art Festival - June
  • Spotlight on the Arts display -


  • FAME instructor's manual
  • Adobe Art Center
  • Charles White
  • Juliet Lundy
  • Jennifer Norton
  • Gordina ?
  • Amsterdam Art
  • Dick Blick
  • Music for Minors

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