The work of any club or organization is carried out by its committees.

Forward for the Committee Coordinator Guides

Thank You for volunteering to be a Committee Coordinator. You are making a significant contribution to your child's education by ensuring that the valuable work of the Palomares Parent Teacher Club will be carried out.

As a Coordinator, it is important to understand that your role is to coordinate the work of the members of your committee. This means that you are not expected to do all of the work yourself. Indeed, you are expected to delegate. Everyone has their own comfort level balancing delegation versus just doing it yourself, so do what feels best. That said, don't hesitate to call upon your committee members to pitch in, since their role is to carry out the work of your committee -- under your direction.

As Coordinator, then, you need to know what your committee does and how it operates. That's what this Guide is all about. Armed with the information contained herein, you will be able to lead your committee with confidence toward achieving its goals. This is your Guide, so make your own changes and additions to it as you go along. There is always some detail that has been left out. As you learn, write it down. The next person to take over as Coordinator will thank you for it.

This is a good time to emphasize that in any organization such as the PPTC, the work of the organization is properly done by its committees. The role of the Board is to provide leadership and to attend to the duties that keep the organization itself running. Of course, this does not preclude Officers from coordinating or serving on committees. Still, serving as an Officer is a job in itself, so functional committees must be formed and staffed to get on with the real work.

The PPTC Board is committed to your success. The Board provides resources and support as needed, so you will not be operating in a vacuum. You will likely have a Vice President as a key contact, though you may solicit help from any Officer as appropriate. When in doubt, speak out!

Regular communication is essential. You will report to the Board at each monthly meeting, either in person or in writing. If there's not much to report, then there's not much to report. However, a recap of recent activity, issues that have come up, and plans for the month ahead go a long way toward keeping everyone informed and minimizing surprises.

Thanks again, and good luck!

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