The work of any club or organization is carried out by its committees.

Events Committee

Coordinator: Barbara Gistand

This active group is responsible for the planning and execution of the fun holiday events held each year. Each grade will be responsible for one event during the year, with help from another grade so the traditions can continue.

There are ways to help both at the school site and during non-school hours. Assistance during the events is needed to set up booths, hide eggs, serve food, etc. This team will work with the Hospitality Committee to coordinate all food requirements for the events.

The Coordinator of this committee will meet with the members and communicate via email and telephone to ensure success of the events. Each event will have a team of parents who will run the event. The PPTC Board is always available for questions, and will work with the Coordinator to set the budget and understand the resources needed.

The Coordinator Guide can be downloaded in MS Word format or viewed online below. All of the guides share a common Forward.

Events Committee Description

The Events Committee is responsible for organizing several PPTC-funded school events. This committee will have access to guidelines for each event to work from and expand on and will consult with the 2nd Vice-Presidents for resources and support. The Events Committee will be allocated a budget and any adjustments to the budget will need approval from the PPTC Board.

The Events Committee works in cooperation with other PPTC committees, such as the Hospitality Committee to coordinate and excecute the school events.


The Event Committee works best with at least 2 parents from each grade (3-4 ideally). This ensures that knowledge is spread around and builds a large pool of volunteers to draw from. This committee functions best with several members to help share the responsibilities; a good target would be 15 members.

Time Commitment

The time commitment for each event will vary. On the average, 3-4 hours to coordinate and execute the event is to be expected. Additional time as needed for committee meetings and/or communication.


The duties of the Events Committee encompass everything related to the coordination and execution of the particular event:
  • Prepare a flier announcing each event to include in the Palomares Post-It and PPTC newsletter
  • Pre-event planning
  • Coordinate with the Hospitality Committee if refreshments or food are part of the event.
  • Coordinate committee members for the set-up of the event
  • Coordinate committee members for the execution of the event
  • Coordinate committee members for the clean-up of the event
  • Participate in the budget process
  • Submit report on the progress of event planning at the PPTC meetings as necessary


It is up to the discretion of the Coordinator as to how to run this committee, based on the number of members, their interests and skills, and their time commitment levels.

Each grade will have primary responsibility for one event during the year, plus secondary responsibility. Secondary responsibility involves helping with the event, thereby learning how to run the event the following year. This promotes an orderly passing of the baton from one year to the next. The following table associates events with responsible grades.

Event Primary Secondary
Harvest Festival 2 1
Thanksgiving Feast  3 2
Winter Program 4 3
Spring Egg Hunt 1 K
Annual Campout 5 4

The Event Committee Coordinator consults with the 2nd Vice Presidents for resources and support, and to get Board approval for scheduling, budget and expenses.


The specific schedule will vary slightly from year to year. Generally, the following guidelines apply:
  • Harvest Festival and Costume Parade - Friday before Halloween, after lunch
  • Thanksgiving Feast - Tuesday before Thanksgiving, starting at noon
  • Winter Program - second week in December, in the evening
  • Spring Egg Hunt - Friday before Spring Break, after lunch
  • Watershed Festival - last Saturday in April
  • Family Campout - Friday before last day of school, evening and overnight


  • Santa (for the Winter Program): Name & Phone
  • Specific guidelines outlining each event are available in the Event Binder

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